i bought Josh Gracin's new cd last night for two reasons.
1) he's a Marine. he could sound like Neckid Britney, but if he's a Marine, i am willing to pay for bad vocals.
2) i actually like his voice, though he finished American Idol last season exactly where i thought he should (4th place). not for lack of great vocals, but when i watch AI, i'm usually not in that country music mood.
i was in the mood for some country music for my drive home to my former home and was going to go for "Patriotic Country", but i figured, how much more patriotic can you get? he's a Marine! of course, the Patriotic Country cd benefits the USO, so i almost bought them both. i'll get the other one soon.
anyway, my point... hmm, what was it? ah, yes. i bought the cd because he's a Marine, but i like it because it's rockin' good. seriously, great country music, lots of tempo and style variations, great voice, it's just a really good cd. has good country fiddlin', some good steel git-tar, actually reminds me some of Tim McGraw's Everywhere cd (vocally speaking), with a little bit of Pat Green's Wave on Wave thrown in (instrumentally speaking).
so. i'm very pleased with my purchase. i skimmed a People magazine (as in, People of the People's Republic of California) and saw the review for this cd a couple of days ago; the reviewer, who obviously hasn't even listened to the cd, gave it 1 out of 4 stars and threw in there for good measure some rubbish about "Patriotism will only get you so far". he can bite my big white butt and get himself a millivanilli clue and see how far my patriotic foot across his backside gets him.
'tis good music, buy it if you like country. 1 gripe: Josh didn't write any of the songs.
alright, musees, i've gotta get. much love, talk to y'all tonight.
UPDATE: The Other Little Soldier made me cry. great song.
thank you, Armed Forces.
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