or so it's been said.
anyway, bad segue here, the me-look-younger comment reminded me that i should remind y'all that one week from today i should be reminded that i'm turning yet another year. i'll be 28 stinkin' years old Monday, July 19. that's right, i'm exactly 200 years, 15 days younger than this great nation, a bicentennial baby.
man, i'm never gonna be able to catch a young unsuspecting college boy if i keep getting older like this. maybe i should give it up already and set my sights on 25-year old engineers.
Bah, 28 isn't so old. I turned 31 this year, and you don't hear me complain about it. Mind you, I don't complain about much in my personal life; doesn't do any good anyway. ;o)
Posted by: AWG | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 03:38 PM
Bah yourself. 31 is still a baby bunny. OR have you had that first horrible experience of reaching middle age, when the hot young chicky you're trying to talk up calls you 'sir'? AAAAAARRRRGGH! If so, don't worry, it will only be a few more years until you find the phrase "these kids today" sneaking into your conversations.
Hey, what should we get sarahk for her birthday?
Posted by: Drew | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 03:56 PM
Like the above poster I am 31-years-young. ;-)Sarah, you are beautiful and you carry youth well!
Posted by: Donna | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 03:58 PM
thank you, donna! and yes, y'all 31-yr-olds are young, too. but still probably too old for the college kids.
drew, since you're asking, my amazon wishlist is linked on my about page. ;) and i think i used the "kids today" phrase earlier today in a comment. woops.
awg, i'm not sure i'd know what to blog about half the time if i didn't have whiny rants and tough love mail.
Posted by: sarahk | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 04:12 PM
non-sense. My x is 29.. and I'm only 25. It all goes into what you are looking for in a person. I look for wisdom and kindness over youth.
Posted by: pylorns | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 05:28 PM
You do look great in the new pic (and practicing good gun safety too, very nice!) Happy birthday in advance.
Posted by: Trevor | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 05:55 PM
Of course you can catch yourself a young college boy.
Are you willing to help him buy beer?
(RWD runs out of the room before he gets hit with something)
Posted by: rightwingduck | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 06:36 PM
sarak, it's the unisex t-shirt that makes you look like a little girl. Shrink it up a little, Girlfriend, that might get Mr. Funny Man's undivided attention. Of course if Frank were to suddenly lose interest in his blog, we'll have you to blame...regardless, your a beautiful girl, get out there and show it off!
Posted by: Wolf's Dawn | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 06:37 PM
Sarah, goodness. You're *only* 28, and making noise like you're twice your age. You're dragging around more brains than the average 20-something, you have a great camera eye, and you're pretty enough that you look great in pictures when you're just farting around... You've got plenty of time to worry about getting old, because you won't be there for, oh, thirty more years.
Now, if you're worried about how nobody's going to trust you after you turn 30, that's fine... there will always be inadequate people in the world who can't figure you out. But even then, you'll find a whole new demographic of grateful thirty-something men who will understand how cool you are. So there.
Posted by: Max | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 07:05 PM
how about a nearly-25 mathematician? ;-)
Posted by: Jason | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 07:20 PM
Pardon me if I sound offensive but the idea that you are getting too old is.....ridiculous at best. If you got your mind set on college age guys, there are plenty of 21-25 year old seniors. Some guys don't care to date ladies more than a year or so older, but not to worry my good sarahk! There are a lot of guys my age (college age) out there who really do prefer ladies a little bit older than them. In fact, I used to have the biggest crush on Connie Nielsen (played Lucilla in Gladiator) and Uma Thurman (that one's been kinda ruined for me. Long story on that one).
Frankly, I find it profoundly embarassing as a 22 year old male talking to a bunch of people I've never even met about crushes of all things. But, if it makes you feel better, then it is worth it I think :)
Posted by: James P | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 10:48 PM
Word James P. Word.
Actually right now I'd be happy with any fine Christian girl. Gotta keep prayin' gotta keep hopin'.
And just to show you the other side of the age thing, I'm 20 and people still tell me they'd think I was 15 or so. I can't wait for the day I look my age. And yes, I've heard a million times "You'll appreciate it when you're older." Well maybe then, but not now.
Posted by: Joel | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:04 PM
Actually right now I'd be happy with any fine Christian girl
Amen to that Joel. I'm still praying too.
Posted by: James P | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:13 PM
Mind you, I also don't complain about my age because I know I'm not particularly old, and I don't complain about my personal life (much) because God's given me so much to be thankful for.
As for looking my age... well, let's just say I can count the times I've ever been carded in my life on one hand. That doesn't bother me, though; speeds things up quite a bit on the whole. :o)
Posted by: AWG | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:17 PM
How about a 24*gasp*-year-old Electronics Technician. All us young boring job guys need love too.
Posted by: SIGPro | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:23 PM
This is true SIDPro. Where's the love for the Electronics Technicians? Where's the love for the web-site designers? Where's the love for the bookkeepers and computer technicians of a family owned hardware store (Hint: That's me)? Where's the love for the Christian bookstore sales associates (Hint: This used to be me)? We don't get it often enough I tell you. :)
Posted by: Joel | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:29 PM
You look good Sarahk!
One thing about that picture bugged me though- it's shrunk and the file size is huge (A jpeg like that should never be that big!) So I opened up Ye Olde Photoshop and shrank/optimized it (admittedly, the optimization is [pee]-poor, but I didn't want to lose any quality for your radient beauty :)
If you wanna use it, you can save it from here
Posted by: Brandon | Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:36 PM
gee sarah, you better keep your whompin' stick handy.
Posted by: maggie katzen | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 12:01 AM
Ah, don't worry so much.
I didn't even get married until I was 38. My wife's 12 years younger than I am, making her considerably more mature than me. I'm her second husband (ask her about the joys of catching a college kid.) Age isn't half as important as people make it out to be. As for you, you're just barely entering your prime. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful birthday!
Posted by: Moriarty | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 12:29 AM
Once again, I must agree with Joel. Hey, science fiction reading nerdy computer science guys like me need some lovin' too.
How crass of me. Before I forget:
Happy B-Day in advance, SarahK!
Posted by: James P | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 01:00 AM
Just my 2 cents: Nerds make really nice husbands (and they can fix anything around the house which counts for a lot!).
Posted by: jonag | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 01:06 AM
I appreciate that jonag.
Posted by: James P | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 01:38 AM
hey cool, we share the same birthday! Of course, I'm turning the big 2-1 :-D
Interested in a psychology major at Angelo State University? :) (Okay so I haven't moved down there _yet_) Seriously, like the blog (found it via imao) and there's something stunning about beautifull women and firearms.
Posted by: S.Murray | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 01:52 AM
As a casual observer(I'm 40 & married),I'm enjoying this dog fight you've stirred up here.
This is a battle to be the the "alpha" male;I WAS bored 'til I found this.Sarah,I plan on going to Smokey's next week-hope it's good.
I'm going to kick back & watch these guys try to out-do each other.Regards
Posted by: Colt Springfield | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 02:33 AM
What can I say Colt? jonag told me I'd make a good husband. My ego has swelled 300 percent. I can't help it :)
Posted by: James P | Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 02:38 AM