whatever that means

  • glenn reynolds says: sarah who?

tiny fragments of perfection

  • if i was all the colors, i would paint you pretty in gold in a picture. (jason mraz/zero percent interest).

  • as i took him in my arms he screamed i'm not insane i'm just looking for someone to understand my pain... (five for fighting/the devil in the wishing well)

  • only the curious have something to find (nickel creek/this side)

  • you dream of colors that have never been made, you imagine songs that have never been played (this side/nickel creek)

  • it's when you cry just a little but you laugh in the middle that you've made it (jason mraz/tonight, not again)

  • don't try to fix me, i'm not broken (evanescence/hello)

another whole box of pandora's

  • i'm not the kind of man who tends to socialize/ i seem to lean on old familiar ways/ and i ain't no fool for love songs that whisper in my ears/ still crazy after all these years (paul simon / still crazy after all these years)

  • but there's something in the way you laugh that makes me feel like a child... aspects of life they confuse me, you and your thesis amuse me... after and afternoon with you... and your rich brown eyes your lips and your dark hair, elbows and exposed knees tossing toward the ceiling... after an afternoon... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

a long awaited end

  • face to palm... tear to tear... mouth to tongue... heart to ground... i am in love... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

  • there's no place to hide but i don't think i'm scared. (nickel creek/this side)

  • with a broken wing, she carries her dreams. man you oughta see her fly. (a broken wing / martina mcbride)

zero percent mine

  • all lyrics headers are lifted from my pretend boyfriend jason mraz's "zero percent interest"

« Sarah and Sandy Hike the Grand Canyon... Part 1 | Main | missing in cat-tion »

Wednesday, July 14, 2004



Ahh yes, Vicodin - the "Happy Pill".
I've been using them about every two weeks for a few years now. Same problem - shoulders. I've had a torn rotator cuff, separation, physical rehab, and even a steroid injection. That hurt like a [muscle spasm], lemme tell ya. I shoulda taken the vic *first*. One time I tossed a towel across the room and forgot that I shouldn't do that. I [right] near passed out from the pain. Too many years of lifting transmissions into place while on my back in the driveway. :(

I've been trying to find a good massage therapist here in Detroit, but not very hard. I have a chiropractor that helps a lot and he has a massage table that helps some more. I see him about every two weeks. Hence the vic leading up to that appointment. I used to get a massage just about every day from my g/f, that made a world of difference. As I type this, it feels like a baseball is embedded between my left shoulder blade and my spine. When she used to work on it, the knot would roll around like a lump in a sock. ow. I'm planning on asking my normal doctor for a referral, mebbe I can get some of it covered by insurance.

So, basically, I know *exactly* how you feel.
Or, as BJ Billy used to say; "I feel your pain", in that swarmy, condenscending voice.
Sorry, couldn't resist that. :)

James P

We (or at least, I) don't think you are a cry baby. I don't like pain either.


I second that. Pain is, how should I put this... painful. And seeing as I am a drummer, I'm looking ahead to wonderful carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist surgeries. No fun, no fun at all. I feel for you.

James P

I'm a code cruncher myself. I feel ya on the carpal tunnel.


thanks, y'all. and good luck to all of you, i hope you have no pain and no carpal tunnel thingines.



I am a sports med physician and I am normally very suspicious regarding things that aren't "real medicine." However, I have a lot of upper back myofascial pain. Generally, I would just wait it out, stretch, reach over my shoulders and press as well as I could or use a LidoDerm patch.

Then I read something about Bonnie Pruden (http://www.bonnieprudden.com) and "pain erasure." I ended up buying something called a theracane, http://www.theracane.com/

Now, trust me, I was not confident this would work. And it hurts, especially the first few times you do it. But I don't have the pain nearly as commonly as before and when I do, it goes away with just a few minutes of therapy, something I can do myself.

I'm sure there are a lot of products available to do this type of therapy, and I don't have any investment in any of this. But I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.


Also, you should try to find a massage therapist who understands myotherapy and has had some training.


You need to get an electric lawnmower! I have a shoulder that gets goofy (read painful) when I pull or push something heavy with that arm, but the thing that really knocks it out of business is pulling the lawnmower cord. It's painful for a few days (which is depressing because I like to sew and play on my computer and it hurts to do both) then at night, I'll roll over and my shoulder will pop loudly and voila'! all better!! But for me, 800mg of ibuprofen works enough to let me sleep. But I would've cried too!! Oh, and a real hot bath might help!


dr. tony, i think i've used one of those can thingies before. the Stepmo' has fibromaelgia (sp? too lazy to look it up) and i think she has one. and yes, it did work. thanks for the link.

jonag, i've had this coming on for about 4.5 weeks. it's actually the other shoulder from my lawn-mower-taming shoulder. but that shoulder pop sounds wonderful. and the hot bath, well, my epsom salts hadn't even dissolved and the bathtub wasn't even full before the water was cold. :(


Back pain is NO fun. That was one of the primary reasons why I took up ballet. The stretching and strength building barre exercises both helped to make a world of difference. And I got four sessions of ballet for the price of one Chiropracter visit. However, I must say that I really miss my massage lady........She retired and moved to Hawaii.... I live in California.

Justin Buist

Doesn't sound wussy to me. I've been there before with back problems. I opened up a parachute while facing in a bad direction as a student (never did finish) doing about 120mph. That hurt. I hoped it would go away on it's own but after four days I had to call up the massage therapist I use sometimes and actually left work early to get it taken care of.

He usually gets a kick out of hearing why my back got messed up. When he went to work he could tell it was pretty bad and knew I did something to it. He couldn't stop laughing when I told him.


Sounds like you need to get after the landlord about a new waterheater. A bath is not a bath unless it's scalding in my opinion.


hey, kara! nice to see you back here! i miss mary too. so. much.

justin, that sounds quite painful. eek.

jonag, i don't know what happened, that's the first time it's happened...

Leah Guildenstern

Sarah, you should check out Egoscue.

I don't know if any of his clinics (or the travel ones) are local, but his books work pretty well for most folk.

His exercises actually help you get your body to align itself so you don't hurt. Mebbe it can help.

My sympathy on the massage mess-up.


thanks for the link, Leah, i'll check it out. and thanks for the sympathy, i got my massage friday morning, and it was wonderful. except she didn't do my ears. :)

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