i bought Josh Gracin's new cd last night for two reasons.
1) he's a Marine. he could sound like Neckid Britney, but if he's a Marine, i am willing to pay for bad vocals.
2) i actually like his voice, though he finished American Idol last season exactly where i thought he should (4th place). not for lack of great vocals, but when i watch AI, i'm usually not in that country music mood.
i was in the mood for some country music for my drive home to my former home and was going to go for "Patriotic Country", but i figured, how much more patriotic can you get? he's a Marine! of course, the Patriotic Country cd benefits the USO, so i almost bought them both. i'll get the other one soon.
anyway, my point... hmm, what was it? ah, yes. i bought the cd because he's a Marine, but i like it because it's rockin' good. seriously, great country music, lots of tempo and style variations, great voice, it's just a really good cd. has good country fiddlin', some good steel git-tar, actually reminds me some of Tim McGraw's Everywhere cd (vocally speaking), with a little bit of Pat Green's Wave on Wave thrown in (instrumentally speaking).
so. i'm very pleased with my purchase. i skimmed a People magazine (as in, People of the People's Republic of California) and saw the review for this cd a couple of days ago; the reviewer, who obviously hasn't even listened to the cd, gave it 1 out of 4 stars and threw in there for good measure some rubbish about "Patriotism will only get you so far". he can bite my big white butt and get himself a millivanilli clue and see how far my patriotic foot across his backside gets him.
'tis good music, buy it if you like country. 1 gripe: Josh didn't write any of the songs.
alright, musees, i've gotta get. much love, talk to y'all tonight.
UPDATE: The Other Little Soldier made me cry. great song.
thank you, Armed Forces.
I like Milli Vanilli. Those songs were good songs. They should have given the Grammy to the guys that were really singing the songs.
Posted by: jason of avoca | Friday, July 02, 2004 at 02:50 PM
I love Country. I most definitely will be picking up the CD. I was not aware that it had been released.
Too bad he was not allowed back on the show once he was eliminated. You know how the past contestants would come back to celebrate with the winner.
Bad reviews? So what.
TAngent Alert. Tangent Alert.
Reminds me of the people who go out and review kids movies. It's a KID'S Movie!! it is what it is. Sorry.
Posted by: rightwingduck | Friday, July 02, 2004 at 03:04 PM
Wait. You moved?? Tired of the toilet?
I'm with rightwingduck. I can't stand it when critics review kids movie. They always label it as "juvenile" or something like that. Well duh....it's for the juveniles. Sheesh.
I will probably get Josh Gracin's CD. I really liked him last season.
Posted by: jonag | Friday, July 02, 2004 at 03:34 PM
"Girl you know it's true!"
Words from true poets. Milli Vanilli you are sorely missed.
Posted by: Joel | Friday, July 02, 2004 at 05:01 PM
Neckid Britney????????
Posted by: Cowtipper | Friday, July 02, 2004 at 06:34 PM
lol, jason and joel. silly, silly.
rwd, the cd's great, i listened again on the way to fort worth. you're right, communists reviewing American music is like adults reviewing kids' movies.
jonag, i didn't move, i meant i'm coming to fort worth for the weekend. LOL, no, thank goodness the toilet is finally fixed.
cowtipper, i said i'd pay for it, not listen to it.
Posted by: sarahk | Saturday, July 03, 2004 at 12:29 AM