so at work, i'm doing CPE, orientation and other stuff that just gets my blood flowing fast enough that i might have a heartbeat (if you listen really closely) (with a stethoscope)! included in all of this Tolkien-caliber literature, ha, is a CD about sexual harassment. i started the CD on my computer and laughed when i received the installation message...
"Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Setup Program. This program will install Sexual Harassment on your computer."
i think i can sue the firm for that.
additional note: when you're watching a CD that trains you how not to sexually harass your coworkers, you do NOT need a Tylenol P.M. to help you sleep. you do, however, need much caffeine.
I think it would be worth watching just for the laugh. But it is sadly true, come people really don't know when they cross the line. I had to work in HR a few years ago. I had to call in a man to my office, every time this big-breasted girl would pass him he'd go woo, woo. He thought it was a complement. I had to tell him to stop it. He did but he really, truly didn't understand why.
Posted by: BeeBee | Friday, June 04, 2004 at 07:54 AM
some people need to be hit with the Clue SUV, BeeBee; i don't think a Clue Bat is enough. :)
Posted by: sarahk | Friday, June 04, 2004 at 08:34 AM
Sounds like some goobers I see in my college classes. Incapable of thinking with anything other than their balls. Quite sad, really.
Posted by: James P | Wednesday, June 09, 2004 at 05:12 PM