whatever that means

  • glenn reynolds says: sarah who?

tiny fragments of perfection

  • if i was all the colors, i would paint you pretty in gold in a picture. (jason mraz/zero percent interest).

  • as i took him in my arms he screamed i'm not insane i'm just looking for someone to understand my pain... (five for fighting/the devil in the wishing well)

  • only the curious have something to find (nickel creek/this side)

  • you dream of colors that have never been made, you imagine songs that have never been played (this side/nickel creek)

  • it's when you cry just a little but you laugh in the middle that you've made it (jason mraz/tonight, not again)

  • don't try to fix me, i'm not broken (evanescence/hello)

another whole box of pandora's

  • i'm not the kind of man who tends to socialize/ i seem to lean on old familiar ways/ and i ain't no fool for love songs that whisper in my ears/ still crazy after all these years (paul simon / still crazy after all these years)

  • but there's something in the way you laugh that makes me feel like a child... aspects of life they confuse me, you and your thesis amuse me... after and afternoon with you... and your rich brown eyes your lips and your dark hair, elbows and exposed knees tossing toward the ceiling... after an afternoon... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

a long awaited end

  • face to palm... tear to tear... mouth to tongue... heart to ground... i am in love... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

  • there's no place to hide but i don't think i'm scared. (nickel creek/this side)

  • with a broken wing, she carries her dreams. man you oughta see her fly. (a broken wing / martina mcbride)

zero percent mine

  • all lyrics headers are lifted from my pretend boyfriend jason mraz's "zero percent interest"

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Wednesday, June 09, 2004


LC the Humble Devildog

Sandy told me that she killed a tarantula in her back yard this week. i exclaimed, "why did you kill it?" she told me that she does not need me to be on Sean-o's side. okay then.

I have an understanding with spiders. If they come on my half of the world, I get to kill them. If I go to their half of the world, they get to crawl on me. My half of the world is anything I can see.


T-shirt babe. Face it - Amarillo is all about cow dung. I always roll my windows up and drive as fast as possible when I'm passing through. I imagine they have a Church of Cow Dung, a Cow Dung Festival, a Cow Dung Queen, the whole deal... Are you used to the smell yet? Have you fallen under its spell?


HSOs? Are you an old P1? Just curious.


I agree with you totally LC. Spiders are one of the nastiest things you can come across. I really hate it when I find one in the bathroom, or even worse the shower!


mike, yes, of course! would be still if i got sport ticket 13 a.m. (is that how norm says it?) in amarillo. i'm too lazy to stream it.

newmexican, thankfully, it hasn't yet hit since i've been here. it's really only certain times of the month, and yes, it's awful when it hits.

AJ, i'm pretty sure sandy prescribes to the same school of though.


joel, spiders do not freak me out near to the extent that cockroaches do. i am terrified of them.


at least roaches don't bite.


maybe the ones you've met don't, spacemonkey.

i'm talking big gigantic flying ones (aka "waterbugs"). the ones that like to torture you 24/7, the ones that -- i'm sorry, i can't continue. i have to go to a happy place now before i wig out.... i might cry.

jason of avoca

I thought everything in the south moved at a "slower" pace. What ever happened to "fortune" cookies? Now they are "self-esteem" cookies. I got one last week that said "people like you", when clearly they don't.


I once had to give my info, 5 times, I just started blurting it all out as soon as someone new picked up the phone.

LC the Humble Devildog

On many automated voice messaging services, if you wait long enough, you get an option to speak to a live person. I usually use that option.

Chad Coleman

Poor nice little tarantula. *teardrop*


yeah, on the phone thing, just pretend your using a rotary phone. or get a rotary phone. Course now some of them have voice recognition, I guess if you mumble enough maybe you'll get a real person. not that they'll care.


jason, amarillo is even slower than the rest of the south. and i'm sure there are at least three people who like you. ;) ok, i like you. now you only need to find 1 more to have "people" like you.

AJ, the problem is that they make me tell my DL# 3 times before i ever get the "dial 0 for the operator" option or the "our stupid automated system is worthless and can't help you, why don't we just let you talk to a human like you wanted to in the beginning."

maggie, i'll try the mumbling thing, maybe that will work.

Colt Springfield

That tarantula would have eaten dozens of roaches & other "pest" bugs in it's life.In my part of Tejas they only come up out of the ground(at least that you can see)after the ground gets soaked.


::shudders:: i think you meant that the tarantulas come up out of the ground when it rains, but i pictured cockroaches. i might not sleep tonight.

Colt Springfield

You're right,I meant after a long rain.I hope I did'nt blow your night.Think of one of those good hugs,that'll fix it.Whoa-talk about irony,I'm battling one of those waterbug roaches as I type this.Ahhh,victory is mine.


i'm going to have nightmares now.

Colt Springfield

Sorry !We probably got more rain than you did,maybe that's the prob.,we got like 4 inches over 3 days.I hope you have a decent night's sleep,didn't mean to "bug" you out.I guess I'm going to shut the confuser off for tonight,take it easy,BYE!!


Yes it is 2 AM and I'm stil typing on Sarahk's blong I hvae no life. I kiss spiders and apparently I kiss snakes. Did Sizzle tell me about taking the baby "rattlesnake" to her? I have no clue, I hate gater snakes what I'm use to. I'm raking and a small branch moves, honey is that a rattle snake? yes he says. "lets get it and take it next door." well Sizzle put is in a jar, I haven't been back from Michigan long, the boys don't play with it? I thought they would fry it??? so we decide we can't have "this" in our neighborhood, we do NOT want babies, took like 4 men, 4 women, none of which you are related to and we kill a 6 inch curly snake that we do not know is a rattler and we do not know isn't a rattler.

Is there a way where people answer my blog it notifies me? Just curious. I so need to go to bed....


Ahhh yes, this post brings back memories.

Specifically, standing outside with my coworkers talking about the upcoming layoffs at the company when SCREEEEECH BANG! An Audi A4 smashed into a tree down at the end of the driveway to the office.

The cops show up, the ambulance shows up, they cart people off to the hospital. So we mosey down to find out what happened, seems a salesman from the used Audi dealer down the road decided to show his customer how well the car handled. So he came screaming down the street at 100MPH and lost it into the tree.

He was fine. His customer went to the hospital. To bad it wasn't the other way around.


I carry in my wallet at all times the greatest fortune cookie message ever:

"You have a strong will and an iron construction."

Yes, spelling is correct. Look at it closely.



you're made of metal, LOL!


The thing about fortune cookie fortunes is that you need to add the words "in bed" for them to be truly enlightening.

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the great babe war

don't make me sissify you

  • please keep the comments "cussin'"-free, and no taking of the Lord's name in vain (including in initials form and in euphemistic form). my grama reads my blog, and i don't like those words either. if you post something i don't like, i will change your wording to make you sound like a sissy.

  • p.s. if you're a troll, i reserve the right to either wingardium leviosa your butt (which means delete and ban you), or the more fun option, to put a pretty bonnet on your head and lead you around on a lovely purple leash and make you do my bidding. yay!!


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