whatever that means

  • glenn reynolds says: sarah who?

tiny fragments of perfection

  • if i was all the colors, i would paint you pretty in gold in a picture. (jason mraz/zero percent interest).

  • as i took him in my arms he screamed i'm not insane i'm just looking for someone to understand my pain... (five for fighting/the devil in the wishing well)

  • only the curious have something to find (nickel creek/this side)

  • you dream of colors that have never been made, you imagine songs that have never been played (this side/nickel creek)

  • it's when you cry just a little but you laugh in the middle that you've made it (jason mraz/tonight, not again)

  • don't try to fix me, i'm not broken (evanescence/hello)

another whole box of pandora's

  • i'm not the kind of man who tends to socialize/ i seem to lean on old familiar ways/ and i ain't no fool for love songs that whisper in my ears/ still crazy after all these years (paul simon / still crazy after all these years)

  • but there's something in the way you laugh that makes me feel like a child... aspects of life they confuse me, you and your thesis amuse me... after and afternoon with you... and your rich brown eyes your lips and your dark hair, elbows and exposed knees tossing toward the ceiling... after an afternoon... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

a long awaited end

  • face to palm... tear to tear... mouth to tongue... heart to ground... i am in love... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

  • there's no place to hide but i don't think i'm scared. (nickel creek/this side)

  • with a broken wing, she carries her dreams. man you oughta see her fly. (a broken wing / martina mcbride)

zero percent mine

  • all lyrics headers are lifted from my pretend boyfriend jason mraz's "zero percent interest"

« score one for the chicks! | Main | Psalm 104:1-9 »

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Frank J.

That monkey gave me one too. Almost makes we like monkeys, or at least ones from space.

Now what am I going to do with it...


almost, but not quite, right?
i'm using mine, it's awesome.


Well I've been a loyal Yahoo! account holder for many years now, and what was it I saw when I checked my mail yesterday?? They had upgraded my account from 6 MB to 100 MB for free! Needless to say, I probably won't be switching from them any time soon.


Congrats on the paycheck! I've been sponging off of my husband for almost 13 years but I remember the joys of payday!


jonag -- anyone raising 4 girls is not spongeing off of anyone. you have 2 full-time jobs, you earn your spongeing. and thank you!

Phil Massey

congratulations on the renumerations, this calls for a celebration

Phil Massey

or is it remuneration?


thank you, and i have no idea.

not a monkey anymore?




I do not envy you the headache you will have in the morning.

Colt Springfield

Sarah,glad to here your plumbing probs are over.I would have never guessed roots if the house was empty for 4 months.Usually they go searching for agua.You must have the old clay pipe(which inevitably breaks-where I live now has the same prob.).To keep the roots from coming back,(which they will if allowed),put lots of salt/bleach down the drain-gradually.Think things a plant would NOT like.
Do me a favor & go to Swornenemy.org,scroll down to "Let's do our part to fight terrorism",If you agree maybe you could mention it on your site.If not,no prob. I sho' won't be mad @ you.


kara, that's one of my all-time favorites. if not for the Goonies, it would be my very favorite.

i did go to swornenemy.org; i'll think on it, and i'll try to post something later. i'm really wanting to get up something about Operation ShoeFly.


Thanks Sarah! Actually I have 3 girls and one perfect prince of a boy (who's being quite a stinker today). And I've never been able to watch soaps while eating bon-bons (dang!).


doggone, i actually was thinking when i wrote it that you had 4 children, 3 girls and 1 boy (who likes to drop trou to annoy his sisters). i don't know why i wrote 4 girls. oops.

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the great babe war

  • buy Frank's tshirtssmoldering_not_pointing.jpg

  • some stuff the great Frank J said about me...

  • "Beautiful, deadly with a gun, and fellow Alias fan"

  • "There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, There she is, your ideal, The dreams of a million girls Who are more than pretty May come true if they punch a hippy, Oh she may turn out to be The queen of femininity, There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, There she is, your ideal With so much ammo She'll take the town by storm, With her all-American face and form, And there she is, Firing in the air she is, Fairest of the fair she is, The IMAO T-Shirt Babe"

  • yowza*

don't make me sissify you

  • please keep the comments "cussin'"-free, and no taking of the Lord's name in vain (including in initials form and in euphemistic form). my grama reads my blog, and i don't like those words either. if you post something i don't like, i will change your wording to make you sound like a sissy.

  • p.s. if you're a troll, i reserve the right to either wingardium leviosa your butt (which means delete and ban you), or the more fun option, to put a pretty bonnet on your head and lead you around on a lovely purple leash and make you do my bidding. yay!!


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