i'm the new what??? despite my shameless kissing up to the judges of Frank J's IMAO T-Shirt Babe Contest, i still managed to win the contest, which makes me the new and first-ever IMAO T-Shirt Babe! i was sure that i was going to be the Jim Carrey of Frank's World, getting a lot of the fan vote but snubbed by the academy, but whaddaya know? after a long long weekend of waiting (man, it seemed like forever!), the judges made me the babe by a very slim margin (1 pt - how much slimmer can it be?). runners up were Willow, Serenity and the Berkeley hotties Reva and Carissa. all of Frank J's babes are hot stuff, so what an honor! i'll have a speech up soon...
responsibility, bah! so i leave this evening for the Panhandle; i interview tomorrow in one town and Wednesday in another... it's funny how having a job directly affects one's ability to pay the rent. so i'm putting in my notice at my complex today, which is a little scary, since 1) i have no idea where i'm moving to, 2) i have so much to do by way of packing (any volunteers?), 3) i don't know where my job will be, though it's apparently not going to be in Arizona (choice #1), because i can't wait around forever... oh well, the Panhandle gets me closer to mountains, farther from psychos and only 12 hours from the north rim of the Grand Canyon (woohoo!).
gnarly karlie today i'm keeping the little sizzle's little girl; she loves her aunt sarah, but i'm starting to think she only loves me for the cats. and when i tell her we'll be doing laundry soon, you know what she says? "i'm not doing laundry." she doesn't understand who's boss, or maybe i don't.
10 days more... so i've got mediation in 10 days, then hopefully i can tuck that chapter of my life away and move on to better things (anything would be).
did ya know i can sing? so while i'm in the Panhandle, i'm hoping to karaoke. i think there's one spot in town that has a contest late wednesday nights (after church, of course), and i won't have to get up for work the next morning, so maybe i can win a little more dough with the vocal chords... the only other time i've been in a karaoke contest, it was a "karaoke roulette" contest, and i spun "hit me with your best shot" and scored 2nd place; the winner had the good fortune to spin "i will survive" -- how can you beat that?
shoot! so hopefully this weekend or early next week i'll have time to fire some weapons (as the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, i feel it is my duty to hone my shooting skills). so where's the best spot in the Metroplex to fire? Basspro's got a range, but it's always a bit crowded, and since i'm needing that CHL, where should i go for that? suggestions, please! i'll also take suggestions on a new handgun; i need something small (to match me, it's all about coordination!) and scary looking. and semiautomatic, and easy for someone with wimpy arms to wield.
JJ Abrams DOES read my blog! i knew it! in last night's previews for the season finale of ALIAS, we see that Vaughn is finally going to say those sweet words to Larvin -- "i hate you, i love sydney!" he's been saying that in my reviews/rewrites for weeks or months now, so i'm convinced i have something to do with that. yay me!!
here's a clue for you, BAD ROBOT... not real smart to leave 3 weeks between episode 3.21 and the season finale of ALIAS. you think you're building up people's anticipation, and in the case of us hopelessly devoted fans (the ones who stuck with you even though you didn't kill Larvin in episode 3.2), you might be. but for the non-hardcore fans, you run the risk of losing them to "World's Most Moronic Newscasters" or some other Fox reality show; not everyone is patient like me.
ok, musees, time for laundry... my IMAO speech a little later.
I knew you would win.....Congrats!!!!!
Posted by: Cowtipper | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 10:49 AM
thank you cowtipper!
Posted by: sarahk | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 10:54 AM
Many congrats on the T-shirt thing.
On the interview thing, does this mean you want to be a panhandler now?
Posted by: SpaceMonkey | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 11:24 AM
congrats on winning
Posted by: jason | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 11:28 AM
Congrats on winning the T-shirt contest.
Posted by: Brandon | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 11:37 AM
spacemonkey, that was great, i both laughed AND rolled my eyes at your bad pun.
thanks, spacemonkey, jason & brandon.
Posted by: sarahk | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 11:52 AM
Congratulations! I wish you well with everything else too!
Posted by: Jimmy | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 02:46 PM
Congratulations Sarah K!!
You could always tell your niece that if she doesn't help with the laundry, the cats will be sad. Cats LOVE to lay in laundry that just came out of the drier. Bad cats. :P
I'm pretty sure Alias is working under the premise that the only thing better than one-weeks anticipation is 2-weeks anticipation. I especially hate that kinda scheduling, because it takes a real effort on my part to schedule myself to watch a follow up episode. I missed so many final episodes that way in my life. :P
Good luck on the job interviews. If it looks like it's going badly, you could always break into song mid-inteview! ;) Or just take a gun. I find most interviewers to be really nice if you have a gun pointed at them. hehehe :D
Posted by: krakatoa | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 03:51 PM
thanks, jimmy & krakatoa!
krakatoa, she did help with laundry after all; i promised to give her my big gaudy gangsta necklace (from the party store) that i wore in the rap video. she was totally in love with that.
but ALIAS is trying to pull this 3-week anticipation nonsense, which just annoys me. i may have to write another letter to the BAD ROBOT.
thanks, i'll try to remember to warm up the vocal chords before the interview in case i need to serenade them. i think i'll leave the gun at home.
Posted by: sckiser47 | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 06:17 PM
If you need a job you can always move here to Houston. We've got almost as many readily available jobs as readily available firearms. See? Everything you're looking for.
Posted by: AxL | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 06:25 PM
thanks for the advice, AxL, but it's that whole living in houston thing that i don't think i could do.
Posted by: sarahk | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 06:35 PM
yeah, axl, except for the part about her wanting to be closer to the grand canyon. if you haven't noticed, she's rather fanatical on that point.
Posted by: Jeffrey Collins | Monday, May 03, 2004 at 06:40 PM
Congratulations Sarah. I missed the celibrations but wanted to stop by and wish you well in your new Babe duties.
Posted by: Mahatma | Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 09:48 AM
Gongrats kiddo.......so where is the SPEECH...you know you’re not off the hook for that! *pressure being applied to the frontal lobe*
Posted by: mac | Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 10:35 AM
was there any doubt you would win? Nope.
Posted by: [ juan ] | Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 11:34 AM
mahatma & mac, thank you. btw, i love being 27 and called kiddo; makes me feel young.
speech is up now, sorry for the wait, it's called Ama-stinkin'-rillo. funny you say that about the frontal lobe. i've had a migraine for a few hours now. thanks a lot.
J, you're so sweet to me for someone who's known me this many years.
Posted by: sarahk | Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 04:40 PM