whatever that means

  • glenn reynolds says: sarah who?

tiny fragments of perfection

  • if i was all the colors, i would paint you pretty in gold in a picture. (jason mraz/zero percent interest).

  • as i took him in my arms he screamed i'm not insane i'm just looking for someone to understand my pain... (five for fighting/the devil in the wishing well)

  • only the curious have something to find (nickel creek/this side)

  • you dream of colors that have never been made, you imagine songs that have never been played (this side/nickel creek)

  • it's when you cry just a little but you laugh in the middle that you've made it (jason mraz/tonight, not again)

  • don't try to fix me, i'm not broken (evanescence/hello)

another whole box of pandora's

  • i'm not the kind of man who tends to socialize/ i seem to lean on old familiar ways/ and i ain't no fool for love songs that whisper in my ears/ still crazy after all these years (paul simon / still crazy after all these years)

  • but there's something in the way you laugh that makes me feel like a child... aspects of life they confuse me, you and your thesis amuse me... after and afternoon with you... and your rich brown eyes your lips and your dark hair, elbows and exposed knees tossing toward the ceiling... after an afternoon... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

a long awaited end

  • face to palm... tear to tear... mouth to tongue... heart to ground... i am in love... (jason mraz/ after an afternoon)

  • there's no place to hide but i don't think i'm scared. (nickel creek/this side)

  • with a broken wing, she carries her dreams. man you oughta see her fly. (a broken wing / martina mcbride)

zero percent mine

  • all lyrics headers are lifted from my pretend boyfriend jason mraz's "zero percent interest"

« i was in a humorous mood before, now i'm just pensive | Main | NHL, why do you hate me so?? »

Saturday, May 08, 2004


Jeffrey Collins

hooray for mommies! aren't moms great? they should have like a day for them or something ... oh wait ... i guess they do.

p.s. i didn't know houses had toes. learn something new every day.


you're such a beautiful looking human being. so why do you want think people who kill our innocent citizens first should be killed? call me a hippy or whatever is fashionable. it's just not right to kill innocent people, so it's a good thing that the US and her allies are going after those people and killing them back. you are are beautiful and everything will work out for you. but i'm poor and your smart way of capitalism and insisting on not bowing to terrorists is hurting me.


you're such a beautiful looking human being. so why do you want think Michael Moore is a frothing-at-the-mouth rabid dog? call me a hippy or whatever is fashionable. it's just not right to eat as much food as he does and to be as ugly as he is. you are are beautiful and everything will work out for you. but i'm little and Michael Moore sitting on me is hurting me.


Everything's comming up Roses, Sarah K!

Hey hey... even looks like you have a new paramour... love wants to save your from your evil conservative ways and bring you into the sunshine of the poor/Islamic fold! :D

I'd respond directly to him/her, but low hanging fruit was never my style. :P


you're such a beautiful looking human being. so why do you like to eat ice cream? call me a frozen yogurt-lover or whatever is fashionable. it's just not right to eat ice cream. you are beautiful and everything will work out for you. but only if you stop eating ice cream.


jeffrey, mine's a special kind of house.

krakatoa, i prefer stargazer lilies to roses. and my new paramour is so sweet to me!

love/pretty, thanks so much for the compliments! i'm blushing! i definitely agree. terrorists should be wiped out. why don't you ask your sweet friend john kerry to help you with mr. moore sitting on you; i hear that he served in vietnam and is used to whining to get his way. since he and mr. moore are kindred spirits, he might be able to persuade the rabid liberal to get off of you. good luck with that. about the ice cream, i sure do love it; i love ice cream enough to even buy it from those hippies ben and jerry. you should try the pistachio pistachio flavor, it's awesome and will save you from the wily ways of frozen yogurt. good luck with all that, you're pretty too.


that's cool if you want you make fun of my poor english. i wasn't talking politics. just a decent human living. you guys think you're everything and i'm a nothing because my skin is not the same as you. i said before i don't have your education...but i know what it is to be kind to human beings. i'm a tamil speaker. i'm trying to live in here for two years for my studies. i don't want your money or your life. you can can hate me but i don't hate you. you can make fun of how my people speak but i'm also a human like you. why am i writing? because i thought you were beautiful and in my country the beautiful fight for the poor like me.


that's cool if you want you make fun of my poor english. i wasn't talking politics. just a decent human living. you guys think you're everything and i'm a nothing because my skin is not the same as you. i said before i don't have your education...but i know what it is to be kind to human beings. i'm a tamil speaker. i'm trying to live in here for two years for my studies. i don't want your money or your life. you can can hate me but i don't hate you. you can make fun of how my people speak but i'm also a human like you. why am i writing? because i thought you were beautiful and in my country the beautiful fight for the poor like me.


SarahK, as we can see, popularity does have it's downside! ;-) (I think I saw this guy over at IMAO).


i see you have changed my first comments. that is not just. you won't do that to a white man. you think its fun to make humour of me just because i can't speak english like you. i don't want to fight. that is not my ambition. my people are suffering in sri lanka. but were is justice for them? only where there is money you will say there must be justice. you people think i'm an animal but i am not one. i miss my country but i must be here to get the education so my sisters and my mother won't starve. how am i stealing from you? you don't know what suferring we have...i only want to get my dipolma so i can buy rice every week for my family. but i am a fool for you people. in new york they make me feel like i'm a nothing...i am not a nothing. in my village i should help the women with with their government tax bills. here they treat me like i'm not worth dirt. what is love? i see your hollywood films...that is not love...to help another human who everyone thinks is nothing is love.


i see you have changed my first comments. that is not just. you won't do that to a white man. you think its fun to make humour of me just because i can't speak english like you. i don't want to fight. that is not my ambition. my people are suffering in sri lanka. but were is justice for them? only where there is money you will say there must be justice. you people think i'm an animal but i am not one. i miss my country but i must be here to get the education so my sisters and my mother won't starve. how am i stealing from you? you don't know what suferring we have...i only want to get my dipolma so i can buy rice every week for my family. but i am a fool for you people. in new york they make me feel like i'm a nothing...i am not a nothing. in my village i should help the women with with their government tax bills. here they treat me like i'm not worth dirt. what is love? i see your hollywood films...that is not love...to help another human who everyone thinks is nothing is love.


your poor english?? wow, for a for'ner you sure do speak good english, i just thought you were one of those intolerant liberals who preach tolerance and terrorism and can't bear it when smart people like myself refuse to tolerate terrorism. my bad.

i'm not the smartest woman alive, but i'm stinkin' close; so when you tell me that your saying that killing terrorists is bad and you accuse me, just because i want all terrorists to pay for being exactly what they are -- terrorist cowards, no matter what their nationality -- of hating Islam, an accusation completely unfounded in fact, i must call shenanigans and say you are, in fact, talking politics.

how do i know what your skin looks like? did you send me a picture, and i just missed it in my inbox? and if i did know that you did or didn't have skin the same as mine, may i just remind you that i am a Jesus-lovin' born-again Christian, and that Jesus Christ himself was a Jew, and regardless of how Mel portrayed him to look in the movie, I have a feeling that Jesus looked Middle-Eastern. how could i EVER hate someone for having different skin than i when my Savior Himself did?

i know what it is to be kind to human beings, too. i know about compassion. i still cry every time i see the video of the twin towers burning in NYC, and for months after my country was attacked, someone could just say the words "innocent civilians" and i would break down in tears; don't tell me that i don't know what it is to be kind to human beings, i cry for human beings, i mourn for those who die making this the best country on the planet. i don't mourn for heartless cowards who hide behind a dogma or a religion or a cause and use their shield as an excuse for committing heinous, treasonous, terrorist acts. they can all die at the hands of the US Military if that's what it takes to make my country safe for me and for ungrateful foreigners who come live here and then bite the hand that feeds them.

here's what i call decent human living. you make your money doing whatever you want to do (even Michael Moore is allowed to do that, and he's a lesser human being than all of us), and i make my money doing whatever i want to do (or whatever pays the bills anyway). if you can't get a job doing what you want to do, you get a job doing something else and keep working at getting that dream job, but don't sit on your lazy butt waiting for me to hand you a nicer lifestyle just because you don't want to do what's available to you and would rather whine about how America is keeping you down. if you have to flip burgers or scrape gum off the sidewalks at Six Flags, that's what you do; it is better than starving, and if a family of 3 can live on $8 an hour by sacrificing and living on $40 a month in groceries, life isn't so bad. you want to know hard living? how about 1941 in Leningrad? read up on it, America's a great place to live.

i don't hate you, but this is a fun site dedicated to the things that *I* love, not you; if you want to dedicate a site to terrorists and bigotry and how America just isn't fair, that is your freedom and prerogative. don't you dare come in here and call me a hata' and hijack my threads. you don't know me. on what do you base your accusations that i don't love humans, that i just like to kill Islamists?

thank you for saying i'm beautiful; i do appreciate that. the brave men and women of this country don't have to be beautiful (though most of them surely are - wow, love those uniforms) to protect the poor. our armed forces, God bless them, protect poor people like you, beautiful people like me and arrogant, stupid people like Michael Moore; they also protect Muslims who are oppressed by the terrorists who have hijacked their religion in order to justify killing innocents. though we have a bunch of idiots in hollywood who like to cry foul whenever we graciously step in and take care of the world's problems; they can only do that because we have hundreds of thousands of brave souls fighting for that right.

many, many countries lost citizens when terrorists attacked our country, probably even yours; thank God that my President is willing to fight back.


thank you for not changing my words...i am not saying that you or the americans are not people of love. i like the americans woody guthries and mr. springsteen. when 9/11 happened we were also sad. to see the people jump from the building was something that made us cry. i felt scared flying in plane to here. if it is 1 million or 1 person dead we must still grieve. i don't want to see anyone dead. i only wrote to your site because i feel like i'm nothing here. in my country the beautiful people like the miss sri lanka help people like me, who are not important. this is the only human contact i had for three months. it is difficult for me because in my country i should talk to people every day. i am sorry if i offend you. i do-not hate the arab man or the american man. life is very difficult for me here. that is all. i have one year more to go before i can join my mother and my sisters and my wife-to-be. it is important for me to get my dipolma. it is very hard life for a tamil man in sri lanka. i thank you for hearing me. i know i don't know politics like you but i wish for peace...the american man is not the devil and the arab man is not the devil. thank you mrs. sarah.

The Sicilian

You tell them, Sarah.


Terrific reply Sarah. But as with all stalkers, at some point you just have to start ignoring them.


You're blessed! I hope you share photos when everything is done.


funny changes Sarah!

So Peace, it seems that you want the same thing as all of us: the opportunity to make the most out of your life without fear of oppression or violence.

You do seem to be having a dilemma in that there seems to be some exclusions to your universal love policy. You mention only two people in this country you like, and they both happen to be leftists. Is there no room in your heart for people with a different philosophy than your own?

I'm sorry you are suffering by a low self-esteem. I doubt you'd find many Americans sharing your opinion that they are any less important than Miss Sri Lanka, or Miss America for that matter. That is a very interesting distinction if your low opinion of your own relative worth is widespread in your country. A country full of depressed people isn't terribly dynamic.

I have to ask this question as well: What is your solution when you are threatened by someone who has stated in words and actions that they will not rest until you and your loved ones are either subjugated or killed? And by what right do you propose to enforce your solution over all others?

I'd suggest you take the remaining time you have in the U.S. to really examine the average American, and how he/she revels in their sense of individuality, and then try to incorporate some of that into your own psyche. In the end, the only thing holding you back is your own set of doubts.


thanks, y'all! i missed a lot of this while i was gone to dinner.

donna, of course, of course! i can't wait to get started on the house.

hmm, the house -- is that what this thread was about?


love, peace and I'm just guessing here...hope?

I think you read SarahK's prior post "i was in a humorous mood before, now i'm just pensive" and answered here. She was not referring to you or any other Islamic person with her 'greasy haired liars'. I think she was referring to her potentially ex-husband. If you are not him, you should not be offended by this language.

'Beautiful people' exist all over this country but in this country you can be successful or a failure and most of the responsibility for which you will be is entirely yours. 'No one will help you', you say but also no one will stop you. If you haven't done everything you want to do in this country, you probably have no one to blame but yourself. It can be hard to get used to.


Mahatma, if this peace fella was my exish husband, he should be absolutely jumping for joy at the fact that i was as nice in my pensive post as i was; i have lots to say to him and about him, but the truth about him is not for mixed company. ;)

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  • some stuff the great Frank J said about me...

  • "Beautiful, deadly with a gun, and fellow Alias fan"

  • "There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, There she is, your ideal, The dreams of a million girls Who are more than pretty May come true if they punch a hippy, Oh she may turn out to be The queen of femininity, There she is, the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, There she is, your ideal With so much ammo She'll take the town by storm, With her all-American face and form, And there she is, Firing in the air she is, Fairest of the fair she is, The IMAO T-Shirt Babe"

  • yowza*

don't make me sissify you

  • please keep the comments "cussin'"-free, and no taking of the Lord's name in vain (including in initials form and in euphemistic form). my grama reads my blog, and i don't like those words either. if you post something i don't like, i will change your wording to make you sound like a sissy.

  • p.s. if you're a troll, i reserve the right to either wingardium leviosa your butt (which means delete and ban you), or the more fun option, to put a pretty bonnet on your head and lead you around on a lovely purple leash and make you do my bidding. yay!!


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