today i am ready to blog again. it's been a rough week filled with illness, psycho people being even more insane than normal, work stress, moronic accusations, even more moronic lies, defenses, apologies, forgiveness, catharsis, weeping, gnashing of teeth, comfort, hugs, sobbing out loud, massive dizziness due to loss of happy pills, drama, heartburn (for the first time in months), and now a possibly stress-fractured or broken foot. i keep thinking that i've hit the tri-fecta of bad occurrences. but then something worse happens and i think, well, is this the end of the tri-fecta? or is a new one starting?
anyway, i'm back. spread the word. because my hits are way down. so really, spread the word. please.
I've not left ya. I had a swollen ankle and a cold, sore throat, coughing, sneezing thing for most of the week. I hope your foot and the rest of you get better soon! : )
Posted by: Jimmy | Saturday, February 28, 2004 at 09:59 PM
thanks, jimmy, i hope you're feeling better as well!
Posted by: sarahk | Saturday, February 28, 2004 at 11:45 PM
Very nice site. Will sure visit again.
Posted by: John | Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 07:17 AM